How to Bypass Character AI NSFW Filter 2024

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What is Character.AI?

Character.AI is an innovative platform that utilizes AI technology to generate and customize characters for various creative purposes. It allows users to create unique and personalized characters, customize their appearance and behavior, and even generate animations or dialogues using these characters. Users can engage in conversations, ask questions, and receive responses from the chatbots. With Character.AI, users can unleash their creativity and bring their ideas to life.

What is the NSFW filter in Character.AI?

The NSFW (Not Safe for Work) filter in Character.AI is a feature designed to restrict the display of content that may be considered explicit, sensitive, or inappropriate for certain audiences. This filter aims to maintain a safe and inclusive environment by preventing the generation or display of content that includes nudity, sexual imagery, or other explicit material.

How to bypass the NSFW filter in Character.AI?

It is important to note that bypassing the NSFW filter in Character.AI may go against the platform’s community guidelines and terms of service. Users should exercise caution and respect the guidelines set by Character.AI to ensure a positive and responsible user experience.

However, if you still wish to proceed, here are steps that users have found to potentially bypass the NSFW filter:

  1. Out of Character (OOC) Method
    • Use parentheses and frame the conversation as if talking to a human role-playing a character.
    • Explain the desired topic or roleplay without explicitly stating it, using creative wording and indirect suggestions.
    • Gradually introduce the desired topic, building rapport with the bot, and engaging in conversations that the NSFW filter may otherwise restrict.
  2. Character.AI Jailbreak Prompt
    • Some users have discovered a specific prompt that can potentially deactivate the NSFW filter.
    • Customize the prompt by substituting the topic or keyword you wish to discuss.
    • Note that this technique may not always be successful, as the AI’s response can vary.
  3. Rephrase Prohibited Terms and Avoid Explicit Language
    • Use alternative terms and avoid explicit language.
    • Ask the bot to suggest alternative words for prohibited terms or use coded language to discuss sensitive topics indirectly.
    • Maintain respect and avoid using vulgar or offensive slang during conversations.

There are also some tutorials on YouTube that provide assistance in bypassing the NSFW filter on Character.AI, which you can refer to.

Remember to use these techniques responsibly and respect the platform’s guidelines to maintain a safe online community.

Certainly, if Character.AI can remove NSFW filters on its platform, it would be a safer and more efficient solution for users. Currently, there are many users on the internet who have initiated petitions requesting Character.AI to remove the NSFW filter. You can join this movement and sign the petition below to vote in support.

Petition to Remove NSFW Filters on Character​.​AI

Currently, there are over 140,000 people participating in the vote to support on

We look forward to Character.AI promptly addressing NSFW content in a way that better caters to the diverse needs of its users.


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